Many electrical faults are caused by bad ground points.
To ensure a good bond for ground points on any metal surface in the car, proceed as follows:
- Clean the area around the bolt hole down to bright, shiny metal. An easy of doing this is to use a pilot bonding end brush in a drill to clean around the hole. If a brush is not available, scrape all paint off of the metal around the hole and then use sandpaper to get a perfectly clean surface.
- Once the surface is cleaned down to bright, shiny metal, coat the surface well with any conductive, anti-corrosion surface compound, such as Kopr-Shield. [Ed. Note: Many copper and graphite anti-sieze compounds are also highly conductive, check the material sheet for the item before purchase]
- After connecting the cable to the ground, it may be covered with an insulating compound such as dialetric grease. Note these are non conductive, so don't apply in the area where you're trying to improve the electrical connection. [Ed. Note - Petroleum jelly (Vaseline) also works as an insulator, in areas that don't see high temperature or high voltage]

Kopr-Shield (Thomas & Betts P/N 201-31879) is available from The Eastwood Co. It is also available at electrical supply outlets such as CED or Stussers and is probably available at Lowe's and Home Depot.
Pilot bonding end brushes are available from MSC Industrial Supply Co (800-645-7270), and others.
1/2" End Brush with 3/16" pilot - P/N 00126722
1/2" End Brush with 1/4" pilot - P/N 00126730

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